Today we added 3 of the most requested features to Artwin Live


Request status

In addition to Option and Confirmed, we've added the new Request status. Gigs with this status is not shared to any Group members with permission level Member. Only Managers and Administrators can see gigs with this status.


Additional costs line

Additional costs are shown on the contract and invoice as a separate line, you can name as you want. For instance, additional management fee. Until now, you could only enter a fixed amount. But as of this version you can enter a percentage. This is calculated over the entire artist fee (plus booking costs).


Region conflict check

We've released this feature in beta, so use careful and bring on the feedback and suggestions. When creating a new gig, a check is done for the following:

  • Other gigs the same date
  • Gigs in the region within a certain date range

In this beta, the range is set to 30 kilometers and existing gigs are checked 14 days prior and 14 days after the date of the new gig.

Monday, June 24, 2024

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