Press kit

The Press kit Page has been reworked to offer a more user-friendly experience. It now allows promoters to download individual assets such as images, biographies, logos, and other files directly from an attractive, well-organized webpage. In addition to this enhanced functionality, you can now utilize the new field {{artist_press_kit_url}} in agreements and email templates, making it easier to share press kit details directly with others through automated communication.

This update streamlines the process of accessing and sharing press materials, improving both the aesthetic and practical aspects of your presskit page.


Register invoice payments

You can now enter an amount when a payment is made towards an invoice, which will be automatically deducted from the total due. The invoice status will update accordingly: if the full amount is paid, the status will change to Paid; if it’s less than the total, the status will be Partially Paid. This feature provides greater flexibility in managing invoice payments.


Tasks overview

We’ve added “Tasks” to the main menu, providing an overview of all open tasks. This makes it much more convenient to manage tasks, compared to when they were only visible on the dashboard. Now, you can easily access and track your tasks directly from the main menu for better workflow efficiency.


Sent contracts

In the Bookings menu, we’ve introduced a new section called “Sent Contracts”. This section provides a clear overview of all contracts that still require signatures, streamlining the process for tracking unsigned agreements. Similar to the “Attention Required” section, it focuses on tasks needing immediate action, making it easier to manage pending contracts.



Previously, you could only create business contacts in the CRM. Now, you can create individuals. The business name will be left out of contracts for these contacts, ensuring a more personalized approach.


Set list

You can create a default set list in the artist profile, which will be automatically visible in the details of each booking. If needed, you can customize the set list for any specific booking by editing the booking details. This allows flexibility for particular performances while maintaining a standard set list for all other bookings.


Team member fee visibility

Users with the Manager role can now check the option “Fees of all team members visible” for each team member. This will display not only their own fee but also the fees of all users within the team, enhancing transparency and simplifying fee management across the team.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

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