April updates roundup

April was a busy month for the Artwin Live team. Because it was the month that follows the March major update. Some features were well received, while others were not, of course. But we received a lot of feedback from you and we believe we fix a big deal of those bugs. Time for a roundup about the major changes in April. Live Support now ... Read More »

1st May 2019
Booking Request Feature

Booking Request Form We've added a feature to receive booking requests inside Artwin Live. If a client sends in a request form, you'll receive an email for a new booking request. You can view the request inside your Artwin Live account, Accept or Decline the request and send an e-mail to the client. See out Knowledgebase Help Document about this ... Read More »

6th Apr 2019
New features April 2019 update

Account and contact management You can now manage your accounts and contacts directly from the main menu for later use in gigs and invoices. New gig view A new layout for desktop with more space for information about the status of gigs, agreements and invoices. Booking request form Embed a booking request form on your website and process the ... Read More »

26th Mar 2019
New Artwin Live Support Center

This is your new Artwin Live support center. If your looking for answers, you'll find them right here.

Or send in a support ticket.

16th Feb 2019

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