Cancel gigs and appointments

In the latest release of Artwin Live, gigs (and appointments) will be cancelled first when you delete it. A cancelled gig will not be visible in the Planning, but you can undo this action and permanently delete it. Cancel, restore and deleting a gig To cancel a gig, open the Edit window and click the Delete button. The first time you delete a ... Read More »

2nd Apr 2020
iOS App download available

We've released our Apple iOS App for Artwin Live. You can log in with your current credentials or use Facebook, Google or your Apple Account. New features will be added over time in future releases. This is a list of features in the first beta release of the app. Android will follow in fall 2020. List all future gigs in your account The app ... Read More »

3rd Mar 2020
Email notifications

On Wednesday, 5 June 2019, we'll enable email notifications. There are 2 types of notification "Instant gig updates" and "Digests". you can enable in your Account Settings. "Instant gig updates" and "Weekly digests" are enabled by default. You can change or disable notifications in your Account Settings. Instant gig updates You will receive a ... Read More »

4th Jun 2019
May Updates Roundup

In May we worked on new features coming in June and July. That doesn't mean nothing changed this month. Far from that! This is our monthly roundup... Gig updates and daily/weekly summaries Originally planned for April, this one is going out in the first week of June.  Would you like to receive an update if a gig has been added, changed or ... Read More »

3rd Jun 2019

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