Facebook Tour Dates page tab (defunct)

We do not support Facebook any more. This is for legacy reference only.

Facebook 'Tour Dates' page tab 
With the Facebook 'Tour Dates' page tab you can create an additional page on your fan page that contains a list of your upcoming gigs (tour dates). A link to this page will be created on your timeline ribbon just under your cover picture. Here you may find the 'Likes', 'Photos' and 'Events' tabs.
Important: Facebook does not support Page Tabs on mobile devices. After you've installed the page tab, follow "Alternative for page tabs on mobile devices" explained at the bottom of this page.

How to set up a 'Tour Dates' page tab?
Login to your Artwinlive.com account and click on "My Widgets" in the settings menu at top of the page. Click on the "Add Widget" button to add a new widget.
Enter a description of your new website widget. This will be the title of your new Facebook Tour Dates tab page. Select "Facebook" from the "Export Type" drop-down box. Select all schedules or individual schedules to show only the gigs listed in those schedules.
You can limit the visible gigs by a number of months. Enter a "0" to show all future events.
Caution! If you check the "Show all gigs" feature non-confirmed gigs will be shown too. Do not check this field if you only want to show confirmed gigs.
Now press "Save Widget" and you'll be redirected to facebook.com "Add Page Tab". You might have to log in to Facebook using your Facebook credentials. Select a page from the drop-down box and press the "Add Page Tab" button.

The page has now been added to your Facebook page. Your new 'Tour Dates' page tab might be hidden, so please read the next section of this article.
Page tab position
You can have many page tabs on your page, but you can only show up to 4 that can be accessed directly. If you have more than 4 tabs you (or another Facebook user visiting your page) has to click on the 'More' (down arrow) icon on your timeline ribbon. Facebook allows you to change the position of page tabs, so you're able to move your 'Tour Dates' to one of the first 4 positions.

Click on the 'More' (down arrow) icon on your timeline ribbon and select 'Manage tabs' from the menu dropdown menu. Now you can drag to reorder the page tabs. When you're done, press 'Save' to apply the changes.

Change Page tab name and image
Click on 'Settings' at the top right, just under the fixed blue Facebook bar top open the page settings. Click on 'Apps' on the left side of the page. Click 'Edit settings' in the Artwin Live section. Enter a custom tab name.

If you want to change the page tab image, press "change image". You will be directed to a new page. You can upload a JPG, GIF or PNG file. The size of the image must be 111 x 74 pixels. File size limit 5 MB.

Remove a page tab
Click on 'Settings' at the top right, just under the fixed blue Facebook bar top open the page settings. Click on 'Apps' on the left side of the page. Click on cross-icon in the Artwin Live section to remove the App.
Alternative for page tabs on mobile devices
Facebook does not support its page tabs on mobile devices (mobile website and device apps). Follow these instructions to pin an article pointing to the schedule widget page on top of your page. First, install a page tab on your page as explained above. If you don't want to install the page tab, move on to the manual post instructions below.
Automated page post
You cannot edit the default text and "Tour Dates" image with this instruction. If you do want to edit those, then follow the manual page post instructions. Before you start, please install the page tab as described above.
  1. After you've successfully installed the widget, a share link will be visible in the widget settings. Click the share link.
  2. From the dropdown menu at the top of the new window, select "Share on a page you manage". (see supporting screenshot below)
  3. Select the target page from the second dropdown menu.
  4. Click the "Post to Facebook" button.
  5. Go to your page on Facebook.com, where your post is at the top of the page.
  6. On the top right corner of the post, click the down-arrow and select "Pin to top".
Supporting screenshot "Share on a page you manage":
Manual page post
If you do want to edit the default text and image, then follow these instructions. Before you start, please create a Facebook Page Widget. If you don't want to install the page tab, then click "Cancel" on the "Add Page Tab" page on facebook.com, right after you created the widget.
  1. Scroll down in the widget setting page in your Artwin Live account, right-click the URL provided there and select "Copy URL" (or similar) from your browser's dropdown menu.
  2. Go to your page on Facebook.com and paste the URL you just copied into the clipboard in the new post.
  3. When a chunk of the page is presented just below the post, you can delete the URL you just copied. You may leave the field empty or write something there if you like. (see supporting screenshot below)
  4. If you want you can edit the text on the first and second line. Just click the text and edit those. You cannot edit the target domain of the URL in this case "artwinlive.com" of course.
  5. You can upload an image. If you do not upload a custom image, the default "Tour Dates" image provided by artwinlive.com is used.
  6. Push the "Publish" button and the page will reload with your new post at the top of the page.
  7. On the top right corner of that post, click the down-arrow and select "Pin to top".
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