Downgrade to a free account

If you currently have a subscription and you want to cancel it, you don't have to downgrade first. Just click "Cancel Subscription" in the Subscription plans area.

Free account requirements

If you want to downgrade to a free account, you will have to meet the requirements before you can downgrade and use your account again. A free account can only contain 1 artist schedule and 2 group members. The Permission Level of a group member may not be Administrator.

Artist schedules exceeded

If you have more than one artist schedule in your account, you have to delete all except one. Make a choice of what artist schedule you want to keep and delete the other ones. 

To delete a schedule, click the artist on the left side and then the cog-icon on the top right. Click "Delete this schedule".

Member count exceeded 

When more than 2 members are subscribed to an artist schedule, you have to cancel all except two. Make a choice of which two you want to keep and delete the other ones.

To delete a member, click the artist on the left side and then the users-icon on the top right. Select the desired member and then click "Delete".

Administrator member permission violation

If one or more group members of the artist schedule have the Administrator permission level, you have to change the level to Member or Manager.

To change the permission level of a member, click the artist on the left side and then the users-icon on the top right. Select the desired member, change the Level and then click "Save" at the top right.


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