Create an account

Before you start
Please read and accept our Privacy policy and terms of use.
Free Account + 30 days Professional features
With your free account you can manage unlimited number of gigs in 2 schedules (artists). Your account will forever be free. You can try out the Professional features for 30 days. After that you'll have to upgrade your account or continue to use your Free account without the Professional features.
Create a new account via the website
Open in your browser and press the "Sign up" button. Enter your name, a valid e-mail address and choose a password for your account. The password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least one capital, number or symbol.
You will receive an email from us. Click the button in this email message to confirm that this email address is yours. If you made a mistake, then go to, click the "Sign out" link at the bottom of the page and restart the sign up process.
Sign up with Facebook
You can also sign up with your Facebook account. Click the "Sign up with Facebook" button to redirect you to You need to logon to Facebook and accept the required permissions to connect the Artwin Live app to your account. Now you can logon to on any computer or device using your Facebook account. Please note that we only use your email address, name and profile picture to create your account and we do not post anything on your timeline (or page) without your permission.
What's next?
Check your account settings. Click your name at the top right and click "Account settings". For example you may change the application Language to English (US) or English (International) to meet your desired date and time localization.
Click on the "Create" button at the left side of the screen and select "Schedule" from the drop down menu. Enter your artist name and upload an image.
Read the other articles in this Help Center for more information about Artwin Live. IF you have a question, please click the link on this page to send us a message or send u an email.
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